Hello! Most of my posts take place around San Diego County, (Mostly Lake Murray) unless otherwise noted.
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Early photo of "Junior" (Little Male)

Since it's been a long time since I first started observing the killdeer at Lake Murray and Padre Point, I started looking back at the first photos I took way back in April of the "Little Male" who was chasing around an invading couple on Padre Point. Well, from reviewing the photos, the "invading couple" is now determined to be George and Martha, possibly his parents. Mary may be either Junior's sister or a second mate to George. She visits periodically and neither George or Junior have ever shown any interest in mating with her even though Junior was available as a mate and ended up choosing another female.

So, here's an early photo of "Junior" or the "Little Male" taken with my 50mm at an estimated six to seven weeks of age. It's small because I was using a wide angle and had to crop it down.

Even at an early age, Junior (Little Male) engaged in territorial defense

Junior has been "missing" since July 4th after mating and leaving. His chicks are due to hatch next week.

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