Not long ago, I wrote about a duck that I hadn't seen in a while and I presumed she was dead. It was the duck with the wing that drags along the ground. Well, today, she was found alive and well.
Also, just about everyone else was seen doing well today except Spoonface (Bossy), but he was last seen on the move, so he might be MIA for a while. Also, I don't think I saw Curly today, but that's not unusual. He's seen when he wants to be seen.
Quacker has been acting weird, lately, more feral and less friendly. I feel sad because she was once one of the most friendly, talkative duck there. Now, she will only come up to people when they have food. I can't even get a good photo of her anymore because she's either swimming away from me, or she's in a bad light.
Pepper was seen, resting on one leg:
Big Daddy, whom I also found out is also called Cinnamon, is doing well, too. Here he is with a girlfriend:
This wigeon was very lonely and calling for another wigeon. I think it might be the friendly juvenile now all grown up and in his adult feathers:
I saw this gull with a weird-looking bill. I think it's a juvenile California gull:
I did see the other young western gull flying around. No more sounds of baby gulls begging since that one got taken in to Project Wildlife.
And, finally, I saw Jill. She's doing well, but hasn't chosen a new partner, yet.
Red-bellied Woodpeckers used to be called "Chad"
4 weeks ago
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