Famosa Slough is a great place to see a variety of birds and even a few uncommon or rare birds. It's right there in the middle of Point Loma, so you don't have to drive far to see them.
First, a bunch of dowitchers flying away. There's always dowitchers flying around there. I believe these are short-billed dowitchers. However, your eBird list will be flagged if you identify them as such as they're very hard to tell apart from the long-billed dowitchers in winter.
A pair of mourning doves on a branch. The dove at the top eventually walked down and stroked the back of the other dove before pecking him to move.
Stilts, avocets, willets and yellowlegs:
One of the stilts:
Blue-winged teal:
American wigeon:
Famosa Slough is basically killdeer land in winter. There were probably a few hundred of them in there, watching me.
Red-bellied Woodpeckers used to be called "Chad"
3 weeks ago